CEBINA GmbH | Karl-Farkas-Gasse 22, 1030 Vienna, Austria
Company name (Firmenname): CEBINA GmbH
Commercial register number (Firmenbuchnummer): FN 498654s
VAT number (UID-Nummer): ATU73782212
Commercial register court (FB-Gericht): Handelsgericht Wien
Registered address (Sitz): Karl-Farkas-Gasse 22, 1030 Vienna, Austria
Telephone number: +43 1909 2208
This webpage has been constructed very carefully. It contains details about the DanubeLabs project and its major stakeholders. All information has been created to the best of one’s knowledge and belief but may contain errors and inaccuracies. The intrusion of third parties cannot be excluded. CEBINA GmbH provides all information without warranty and liability.